Yard Fowl Eggs

Better known to most of you as organic or free range eggs, here in Barbados we refer to these delicacies as yard fowl eggs. If you have never had an egg from a chicken that roams freely and feeds on all natural foods, then you are missing out my friends.
Since my parents' yard is home to numerous fruit trees, over the years many yard fowls have made our land their home. Life is sweet for them as they stroll the yard daily feasting on mangoes, bananas, pomegranates, plums and soursops, not to mention the constant supply of kitchen scraps from the various family members living on the property.
I don't know if many of you are familiar with chicken habits but I have such fond memories of being on vacation from school and hearing the clucking of hens around midday which signaled they had laid eggs. These days, my retired cousin Merlene and I are the only ones who still listen out for this alarm and we have been rewarded handsomely each and every day. I almost like the adventure of tracking down the noise since they do switch laying spots ever so often and once you miss them for a few days, those sweet eggs will soon become chicks...lol!
SO, with all that said let's compare my yard fowl eggs with some I had bought at the supermarket.


The difference in size is so ridiculous. 

I know that many people now want everything to be big, but bigger isn't always better, in fact many times when it comes to food, big is an indication that it has been altered in some way.

What these little eggs lack in size they surely make up for in colour and flavour. Please note the stark difference between the pale store bought yolks and my vibrant orange yard fowl yolks. Do you know why the yolks are so pretty? Well of course it's because of the chickens diet. No processed or manufactured feed, this colour is the result of all the fruit and veggies that they eat!

And the end result...... one super delicious omelet. I mean just look at the colour of that omelet with the veggies...so beautiful.

 Trust me it tasted as good as it looks!
Be well, eat well and smile because you can people. Have a great day.


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