
I have to make a confession.
Recently I have been cheating on flying fish ...A LOT...with potfish. 
I know I used to be a die hard flying fish girl and who could argue..... it is such a soft, delicious, quick and easy to prepare fish. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that while I LOVE flying fish steamed, noone else in my family does, they only like it fried and while I grew up attacking fish heads on a regular (lol) my children find this head on business traumatizing (little punks). And so, I have been scouting for new fish to add to my menu.
Dolphin or Mahi-Mahi as we now call it (being very politically correct for tourists traumatized by their own nightmares of eating Flipper) is pretty OK too along with the other big fish offered in the market, but with pollution and mercury issues I try to refrain from eating big fish. So enter my new love affair with little fishes!
You must know however that potfish is not easily available at every fish market. I am now actually travelling to Oistins (Belinda Cox Market) or stopping in at spots along the West Coast such as Fitts Village, Payne's Bay or Mullins. But boy is it worth the lil gas :).
There are so many varieties of fish in the ocean!
I love that each type of fish is different both in terms of taste and texture and the sizes allow for minimum wastage as you can simply choose sizes to meet the needs of each family member at the buying stage!

So...here we go... 
try not to be grossed out if fresh kill is not your thing, actually you may want to exit right now!

 What sweet choices....... 

Relax.....I did not get the eel....eewwhhh!!!
Eel out of its skin and ready!

       I spot a parrot fish ...YYUUUMMMMM!

 Those fish scraps are excellent fertilizer for fruit trees and the veggie garden.....My mom was doing it way  back before Neptunes marketed a fish fertilizer.

Wish I oculd stay and chat longer but guess what I have to do......You guessed it....I'm about to fry up a large parrot fish which I have stuffed with seasonings and will bake for a lil bit to finish it off just right. Look out for pics. 
Eat well and be well.


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