De snowcone man

"Mom,mom, the snow cone van!" I can't tell you how many times I have been busy at some task only to be interrupted by this cry from my children.Of course I had already heard the parm, parm of  the old time bicycle horn which every snow cone seller in Barbados still uses to this day!You know the one, big black pump topped with silver metal horns. But to be honest I also love to welcome that sound. On a brutally hot day (and we have seen many of those lately), the sound of that horn is like music to the ears. You can drink a whole lot more snow cones than beers..:).
While money is retrieved from purses and wallets, everyone starts to run through their options of flavours. I am always torn between tamarind and ginger, the partner is a strictly coconut with lots of milk kinda man and the children love to invent new combinations each time. I recall pineapple/ tamarind/ coconut, ginger/tamarind, coconut/ginger, coconut/orange/milk.....too many to list and not all pretty to imagine! I avoid the flavours which are identified only by their colour such as red, blue, yellow etc, what do they even mean. Is there a fruit that produces a flavour called red?
Then it's the technique of drinking a snow cone. You can't drink it too quickly or you will soon be left with   flavour-less ice but if you drink too slowly a watered down mess is inevitable. Some bite their ice while other drink from the bottom with a straw. I personally use the straw to constantly mix the ice and syrup as I drink! I'm a pro :)
My children were away at camp yesterday when I almost missed the parm, parm. As I dashed outside onto the steps, I was met by my neighbour exiting his house asking "De snow cone man lef already?" We were both in luck, he was still around with his sweetness.
Well stocked

Always cleans before he serves

The Flavours!

MILK...none for me thanks :) !

Virgin ice :)

My neighbour's coconut

Wouldn't you be this happy if you were a snow cone man?

The prices...really reasonable.

Gotta pay extra for that

My neighbour all ready to go!

I love little things like this, only in Barbados!
 Although our snow cone comes from a van, this is the exception rather than the rule. Most snow cone vendors ply their trade from a cart, and they are not hard to spot. They are on the beach, on street corners in town, in every bus terminal, at every fair, sports event and dooflickey. They truly are a constant in Bajan culture. Just look for the umbrellas!
Snow cone on the beach,.......perfect.
Snow cone on the go......

 Notice how all the carts proudly bear symbols or colours of Barbados.,,,, Bajans to the world!


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