A rich history

 My god-daughter Shanice is visiting for two weeks and today we headed out for a history lesson at The Barbados Museum and Historical Society. Boy was it worth it! This little island has such a grand history, it is much to be proud of. When you acknowledge that some establishments on the island are older than the USA, it kinda puts it into perspective.
 The grounds are as magnificent as ever.


 This contraption caught my eye and I was even more elated to see a sign "Please take photographs". It revealed a pretty cool and interesting item.

So what is it?
Come on, you didn't think I was gonna just give it to you, please visit and find out!
Unfortunately, you CANNOT photograph the exhibits at the museum BUT you can view them here for a teaser. http://www.barbmuse.org.bb/galleries/

In other news, we headed through The Gap, went to Miami Beach, stopped for delicious doubles then ended up at of all places Pebbles Beach.

Gotta have it with pickle, tamarind sauce and HOT PEPPER!!!!

Bye for now peeps, I am pooped. After the beach the daughter and I had a 2 hour workout session. Be good, be safe and have a great night.
OH SHOOT, I forgot to mention, if you are a Barbadian citizen, you enter the museum ABSOLUTELY FREE, please however visit the Gift Shop and make a donation to this very worthy cause.


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