Bajan Snake???!!!

Yes, you read that right. Barbados does have its very own indigenous snake, The Barbados Threadsnake. You were probably like me and didn't even know such a thing existed but a few days ago our dear, dear family friend Rohan Gill came by with this bag for my son. I wondered what was in the sweaty clear plastic bag because it looked quite empty, but lo and behold he had brought Damani a threadsnake he found.

Now don't start getting all paranoid until you see a picture of this reptile. See if you can find Damani's in this

Yes that mere little coil at the top of the gravel is the Barbados Theadsnake.

The snake was only discovered back in 2008 and is in fact the world's smallest snake!Yeah!
This reptile is so incredibly small, it can actually fit ON a silver dollar and as such is also referred to as the Silver dollar snake. 

With the same thickness as a spaghetti, you can easily confuse these snakes for worms in the garden. They eat primarily larvae of termites and ants and experts are now questioning whether the Threadsnakes eat larvae because they are small or are they small because they eat larvae. Your guess is as good as mine!

The only question on my mind right now is who is going to harvest food for this threadsnake in my house. May Damani look forward to happy larvae hunting.


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