Sweetest Drink Ever

Any guesses on what that drink might be?
Let me give you a hint.....
Golden apple/June plum
While we in Barbados call this a golden apple, it is actually a June plum, simply because it is a plum (hence the large central seed) and it is a summer fruit.
There are many ways to enjoy these delicious fruit, and one of my favourites is to juice and make drink. My neighbour called me over last night for a bag of "apples" and I got to work on them this morning,
First it is important to soak and scrub the apples well. Then cut them into manageable pieces.

You simply feed these into a juicer and end up with a super concentrated juice. My 20 apples produced about 9 cups.  
Fresh concentrate
I add ice cold water to my concentrate. 
(This is actually the liquid I squeezed from the apple remains..... maximum use!) 
 I sweeten with Bajan Sugar....direct from the factory!!!

I wish you could taste this, this is soo fresh and tangy.  
You can also sample apple chutney, pickled apples (I love also), stewed apples or just eat them right off the tree, they are great every way. Since I mentioned pickled I just have to share that recipe with you another time. Hope you have a cool Saturday wherever you are.

Before I go though, I just had to share these with you. I hope you can smell them cyberly (is that a word?)


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