Reaching A High Point

 Last summer vacation we decided to explore the East Coast Road (ECR). Of course I had been to this popular picnic spot countless times, not including the endless drivebys on Sunday evenings. Do you remember when it was the norm for Bajan families with cars to drive around on Sundays after lunch? Back then beach houses along Cattlewash and Bathseba would be packed with families, cars would line the ECR where persons could be seen picking seagrapes, fatporks and cashews...those were the good days!
So let's go relive some memories.........


Street level views were quite alluring!

BUT, as expected, we got off the beaten track and headed up into the hills.

 You could not pay for these view!!!

 Do you have memories of writing on these plants? We look forward to returning another time to see if our note is still there.

We strolled the roads and beach enjoying the magnificent views and the so fresh air.

And the usual "finds"
Don't know what this plant is....

Now this I know.....beach sage!

Live spider, dead crab. My son is always on the look out for crabs...dead or alive!

Let me warn those of you who want to head out to ECR, to use your own transportation. A
fter waiting forever for a direct bus, we traveled to Speighstown and got a Bathseba bus .It seems public buses do not head this way on any scheduled basis. I don't recall any more than one bus going by the entire time we were  there. That should have prepared us for the llooonngggg wait for the bus back.

At least we had "seats".


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